Substance Abuse
Fast, N., van Kessel, R., Humphreys, K. et al. The Evolution of Telepsychiatry for Substance Use Disorders During COVID-19: a Narrative Review. Curr Addict Rep 10, 187–197 (2023). DOI 10.1007/s40429-023-00480-9
Ventuneac A, Hecht G, Forcht E, Duah BA, Tarar S, Langenbach B, Gates J, Cain D, Rendina HJ, Aberg JA and Perlman DC (2021) Chronic High Risk Prescription Opioid Use Among Persons With HIV. Front. Sociol. 6:645992. doi: 10.3389/fsoc.2021.645992
Talal AH, Ding Y, Venuto CS, Chakan LM, McLeod A, Dharia A, Morse GD, Brown LS, Markatou M, Kharasch ED. Toward precision prescribing for methadone: Determinants of methadone deposition. PLOS ONE (April 17, 2020): 15(4): 1-24
Brown LS, Kritz S, Lin M, Zavala R Evaluation of an Electronic Medical Record System at an Opioid Agonist Treatment Program Journal of Addiction Medicine (2014 March/April) 8(2): 96-101. PMC3962043
Louie B, Kritz SA, Brown LS, Chu M, Madray C, Zavala R. Electronic health information system at an opioid treatment programme: roadblocks to implementation. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 2012:18(4):734-8.
Kritz SA, Brown LS, Chu M, John-Hull C, Madray C, Zavala R, Louie B. Electronic medical record system at an opioid agonist treatment programme: study design, pre-implementation results and post-implementation trends. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 2012:18(4):739-45.
Wisner KL, Conley RR, Taylor SF, Kosten T, Brown LS. Researcher experiences with IRBs: A survey of members of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. IRB: Ethics and Human Research 2011: 14-19.
Alcohol education provided to opioid treatment program patients: results of a nationwide survey. Strauss SM, Harris G, Katigbak C, Rindskopf DM, Singh S, Greenblum I, Brown LS Jr, Kipnis S, Kritz SA, Parrino MW. J Drug Educ. 2010; 40(4):379-93.
Brown LS, Kritz SA, Muhammad A,. Bini EJ, Louie B, Robinson J, Alderson D, Rotrosen J. Substance abuse treatment as HIV prevention: more questions than answers. Journal of National Med Assoc 2010:102: 1183-1191.
Harris GH, Strauss SM, Katigbak C, Brar BS, Brown LS, Kipnis SS, Kritz SA. Variations among state-level approaches to addressing alcohol abuse in opioid treatment programs. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 2010: 39: 58-64.
Barthwell AG, Brown LS. The Treatment of Drug Addiction: An Overview in Principles of Addiction Medicine 3rd Edition. Editors: Graham AW, Schultz TK, Mayo-Smith MF, Ries R, Wilford BB; Lippincott,Williams, Wilkins. Philadelphia 2009; pages: 349-359
Kritz S, Chu M, John-Hull C, Madray C, Louie B, Brown LS. Opioid dependence as a chronic disease: The interrelationships between length of stay, methadone dose and age on treatment outcome at an urban opioid treatment program Journal of Addictive Diseases 2009:28: 53-56.
Brown LS. ,,,et. al. Predictors of outcome for short-term medically supervised opioid withdrawal during a randomized, multi-center trial of Buprenorphine-naloxone and clonidine in the NIDA Clinical Trials Network. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2009: 99: 28-36.
Carroll KM, Rosa C, Brown LS, Daw R, Magruder KM, Beatty L. Addressing ethnic disparities in drug abuse treatment in the clinical trials network. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2007: 90: 101-10
Tracy K, Brown LS, Kritz SA, Alderson D, Robinson J, Bini, EJ, Levy M, Calsyn D, Rieckmann T, Fuller, B, McAuliffe P, Rotrosen J. Substance abuse treatment clinician opinions and infectious disease service delivery. Journal of Addictive Diseases (in press)
Kritz SA, Brown LS, Goldsmith RJ, Bini EJ, Robinson J, Alderson D, Novo P, Rotrosen J. States and Substance Abuse Treatment Programs: Funding and Guidelines for Infection-Related Services. American Journal of Public Health 2008:98: 824-826.
Sorensen JL, Brown LS, Calsyn D, Tross S, Booth RE, Song Y, Normand J. AIDS research in the NIDA Clinical Trials Network: emerging results. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. 2007: 89: 310-313.
Carroll KM, Rosa C, Brown LS, Daw R, Magruder KM, Beatty L. Addressing ethnic disparities in drug abuse treatment in the clinical trials network. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 2007: 89.
Amass L , Ling W, Freese TE, Reiber C, Annon JJ, Cohen AJ, McCarty D, Reid MS, Brown LS., Clark C, Ziedonis DM, Krejci J, Stine S, Winhusen T, Brigham G, Babcock D, Muir J A, Buchan BJ, Horton T. Bringing Buprenorphine-Naloxone Detoxification to Community Treatment Providers: The NIDA Clinical Trials Network Field Experience. The American Journal on Addictions, 2004;13:S42-S6
Mulvaney FD, Brown LS, Alterman AI, Sage RE, Cnaan A, Cacciola J, Rutherford M. Methadone maintenance outcomes for Hispanic and African men and women. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 1999; 54: 11-18.
Brown LS, John S, Substance Abuse Prevention in African-American Communities. In:Kar SB(Ed): Substance Abuse Prevention A Multicultural Perspective. Baywood Publishing Company, Inc. Amityville, New York 1999, pages 171-184
Cobb MN, Desai J, Brown LS, Zannikos PN, Rainey PM: The effect of fluconazole on the clinical pharmacokinetics of methadone. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1998; 63:655-62
Walter L, Charuvastra C, Collins JF, Batki S, Brown LS, Kintaudi P, Wesson DR, McNicholas L, Tusel DJ, Malkerneker U, Renner JA, Santos E, Casadonte P, Fye C, Stine S, Want RIH, Segal D. Buprenorphine Maintenance Treatment of Opiate Dependence: A Multicenter, Randomized Clinical Trial. Addiction 1998; 93(4): 475-486
McDermott PA, Alterman AI, Brown L, Zaballero A, Snider EC, McKay JR. Construct refinement and confirmation for the Addiction Severity Index. Marlatt GA, VandenBos GR (Eds.). Addictive Behaviors, American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C., 1997.
Meyer TJ, Lin MM, Brown LS. Nicotine dependence and depression among methadone maintenance patients. J Natl Med Assoc. 1996;88:800-804.
Alterman AI, Snider EC, Cacciola JS, Brown LS, Zaballero A, Siddiqui N. Evidence for response set effects instructural research interviews. J Nerv Ment Dis. 1996;184:403-410.
McDermott PA, Alterman AI, Brown LS, Zaballero A, Snider EC, McKay JR. Construct refinement and confirmation for the Addiction Severity Index. Psychological Assessment 1996;8:182-189.
Nurco DN, Primm BJ, Lerner M, Stephenson P, Brown LS, Ajuluchukwu DC. Changes in locus-of-control attitudes about drug misuse in a self-help group in a methadone maintenance clinic. The International J Addictions. 1995;30:765-778.
Villagómez RE, Meyer TJ, Lin MM, Brown LS. Post-traumatic stress disorder among inner city methadone maintenance patients. J Substance Abuse Treatment 1995;12:253-257.
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Alterman AI, Brown LS, Zaballero A., McKay JR. The interviewer severity ratings and composite scores of the ASI: a further look. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 1994;34:201-209.
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HIV/AIDS Research
Bini EJ, Kritz SA, Brown LS, Robinson J, Alderson D, Rotrosen J. Barriers to providing health services for HIV/AIDS, hepatitis C virus infection, and sexually transmitted infections in substance abuse treatment programs in the United States. Journal of Addictive Diseases. 2011:30:98-109
Brown LS, Kritz SA, Muhammad A,. Bini EJ, Goldsmith RJ, Robinson J, Alderson D, Hasin DS, Rotrosen J. Disparities in health services for HIV/AIDS, hepatitis C virus, and sexually transmitted infections: role of substance abuse treatment programs. Journal of Addiction Medicine 2009:3: 95-102.
Brown LS, Kritz SA, Goldsmith RJ, Bini EJ, Robinson J, Alderson D, Rotrosen J. Health services for HIV/AIDS, HCV, and sexually transmitted infections in substance abuse treatment programs. Public Health Reports 2007: 122: 441-451
Sorensen JL, Brown LS, Calsyn D, Tross S, Booth RE, Song Y, Normand J. AIDS Research in the NIDA Clinical Trials Network: Emerging Results. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2007: 89: 310-313
Brown LS, Kritz SA, Goldsmith JR, Rotrosen J, Baker S, Robinson J, McAuliffe P. Characteristics of Substance Abuse Treatment Programs Providing Services for HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis C Virus Infection, and Sexually Transmitted Infections: The National Clinical Trials Network. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment; 2006:30:315-321
Brown LS, Kritz S, Chu M, Madray C. Safety, Efficacy, and Tolerability of Nelfinavir-Containing Antiretroviral Therapy for Patients Coinfected with HIV and Hepatitis C Undergoing Methadone Maintenance. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment; 2006:30:331-335.
Rawlings KM, Thompson M, Farthing C, Brown, LS, Racine J, Scott RC, Crawford KH, Goodwin D, Tolson JM, Williams VC, and Shaefer MS. for the NZTA4006. Helping to Enhance Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy (HEART) Study Team. J.Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2003;34:174-183
DeHovitz JA, Feldman J, Brown LS, Minkoff H: Sexual risk behaviors among subgroups of heterosexual HIV infected patients in an urban setting. Genitourin Med 1997; 73:552-554
Gordin FM, Matts, JP, Miller C, Brown LS, Hafner R, John SL, Klein M, Vaughin A, Besch LC, Perez G, Szabo S, El-Sadr W. A controlled trial of isoniazid in persons with anergy and human immunodeficiency virus infection who are at high risk for tuberculosis. N Engl J Med. 1997;337:315-20.
Brown LS, Sawyer RC, Li R, Cobb MN, Colborn DC, Narang PK. Lack of a pharmacologic interaction between rifabutin and methadone in HIV-infected former injecting drug users. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 1996;43:71- 77.
Brown LS, Siddiqui NS, Chu AF. Natural history of HIV-1 infection and predictors of survival in an cohort of HIV-1seropositive injecting drug users. J Natl Med Assoc. 1996;88:37-42.
Battjes RJ, Pickens RW, Brown LS. HIV infection and AIDS risk behaviors among injecting drug users entering methadone treatment: an update. J. AIDS 1995;10:90-96.
Webster CT, Gordin FM, Matts JP, Korvick JA, Miller C, Muth K, Brown LS, Besch CL, Kumi JO, Salveson C, Bincsik A, Irvin K, Maiatico G. Two-stage tuberculin skin testing in individuals with human immunodeficiency virus infection. Am J Resp Crit Care Med. 1995;151:805-808.
Melnick SL, Sherer R, Louis TA, Hillman D, Rodriguez EM, Lackman C, Capps L, Brown LS, Carlyn M, Vermund SH, Korvick JA, Deyton L. Survival and disease progression according to gender of patients enrolled in the Terry Beirn Community Programs for Clinical Research on AIDS (CPCRA). JAMA. 1994;272:1915-1921.
Jacobson M, Besch CL, Child C, Hafner R, Matts JP, Muth K, Wentworth DN, Neaton JD, Abrams D, Rimland D, Perez G, Grant IH, Saravolatz LD, Brown LS, Deyton L. Primary prophylaxis with pyrimethamine for toxoplasmic encephalitis in patients with advanced HIV disease: results of a randomized trial. J Infect Dis 1994;169:384-94.
Brown LS, Phillips, RY, Brown CL, Knowlan D, Castle L, Moyer J. HIV/AIDS policies and sports: the National Football League. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1994;26:403-407
Brown LS, Hickson MJ, Ajuluchukwu DC, Bailey J. Medical disorders in a cohort of New York City Drug Abusers; much more than HIV disease. J. Addictive Dis 1993;12:11-27.
Sawyer RC, Brown LS, Bailey J, Hickson, M, Lee P, McNair D, Rawls J, Skinner A. Drug abuse treatment programs as centers for HIV-related research and treatment. J Addictive Dis 1993;12:121-129.
Ajuluchukwu DC, Brown LS, Crummey FC, Foster KF, Ismail YI, Siddiqui N. Demographic, medical history and sexual correlates of HIV Seropositive methadone maintained women. J Addictive Dis 1993;12:105-120.
Siddiqui NS, Brown LS, Meyer TJ, Gonzalez V. Decline in HIV-1 seroprevalence and low seroconversion rate among injecting drug users at a methadone maintenance program in New York City. J Psychoactive Drugs 1993;25:245-250.
Brown LS. Enrollment of drug abusers in HIV clinical trials: a public health imperative for communities of color. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 1993;25:45-52.
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Brown LS. Clinical aspects of drug abuse in diabetes. Diabetes Spectrum 1991;4:45-47.
Burkett W, Brown LS. Deaths, AIDS morbidity and HIV Seroprevalence in NYC IVDAs. J Natl Med Assoc 1990;82:777-779.
Battjes RJ, Pickens RW, Amsel Z, Brown LS. Heterosexual transmission of human immunodeficiency virus among intravenous drug users. J. Infect Dis 1990;162:1007-1011.
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Bailey JA, Brown LS. Serologic investigations in a cohort of New York City.
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Hepatitis C Virus Research
Talal AH , Jaanimagi U, Davis K , Bailey J, Bauer BM a , Dharia A , George S , McLeod A , Morton K , Nugent A , Zeremski M , Dinani A , Des Jarlais DC, Perumalswami PV, Tobin JN , Suzanne S. Dickerson. Facilitating engagement of persons with opioid use disorder in treatment for hepatitis C virus infection via telemedicine: Stories of onsite case managers. April 20, 2021 DOI:
Talal AH, Andrews P, Mcleod A, Chen Y, Sylvester C, Markatou M, Brown LS. Integrated, Co-located, Telemedicine-based Treatment Approaches for Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Management in Opioid Use Disorder Patients on Methadone. Clin Infect Dis 2019; 69: 323-31.
Talal AH, McLeod A, Andrews P, Nieves-McGrath H, Chen Y, Reynolds A, Sylvester C, Dickerson SS, Markatou M, Brown LS. Patient Reaction to Telemedicine for Clinical Management of Hepatitis C Virus Integrated into an Opioid Treatment Program. Telemedicine and E-Health, 2019; 25: 791-801.
Talal AH, Andrews P, Mcleod A, Chen Y, Sylvester C, Markatou M, Brown LS Clinical Infectious Diseases (17 October 2018 online prepublication). PMID: 30329042
Talal AH, McLeod A, Andrews P, Nieves-McGrath H, Chen Y, Reynolds A, Sylvester C, Dickerson SS, Markatou M, Brown LS Telemedicine and e-Health (16 October 2018 online prepublication). PMID: 30325701
Talal A, Chen Y, Zeremski M, Zavala R, Sylvester C, Kuhns M, Brown LS, Markatou M, Cloherty G. Hepatitis C Virus Core Antigen: A Potential Alternative to HCV RNA Testing among Persons with Substance Abuse Disorders. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment (2017) 78:37-42.
Zeremski M, Zavala R, Dimova RB, Chen Y, Kritz S, Sylvester C, Brown LS, Talal AH. Improvements in HCV-related Knowledge Among Substance Users on Opioid Agonist Therapy After an Educational Intervention. Journal of Addiction Medicine (2016 March/April) 10(2): 104-9.
Brown LS. Talal A, Andrews P, McLeod A, Zeremski, Chen Y, Sylvester C. Integrated telemedicine-based treatment for hepatitis C at an opioid agonist treatment program. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2016; 171
Bini EJ, Kritz S, Brown LS Jr, Robinson J, Calsyn D, Alderson D, Tracy K, McAuliffe P, Smith C, Rotrosen J. Hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus services offered by substance abuse treatment programs in the United States. J Subst Abuse Treat. 2012 Jun;42(4):438-45. doi: 10.1016/j.jsat.2011.09.007. Epub 2011 Oct 27.
Hepatitis C virus-related knowledge and willingness to receive treatment among patients on methadone maintenance.
Zeremski M, Dimova RB, Zavala R, Kritz S, Lin, M, Smith BD, Zibbell JE, PhD, Talal AH. Journal of Addiction Medicine (2014 July/August) 8(4): 249-57.
Hepatitis C virus control among persons who inject drugs requires overcoming barriers to care.
Zeremski M, Zibbell JE, Martinez AD, Kritz S, Smith BD, Talal AH. World Journal of Gastroenterology. (2013 November 28) 19(44):7846-7851.
Advancing equity, diversity, and inclusion in the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP): advances, challenges, and opportunities to accelerate progress.
Henningfield, J.E., Fields, S., Anthony, J.C. et al. Advancing equity, diversity, and inclusion in the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP): advances, challenges, and opportunities to accelerate progress. Neuropsychopharmacol. (2020).